Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My dragon pic

OK so I am working on getting my dragon pic up on here, of coarse i dont hav a scanner so it will be fuzzy again!
oh well

well i would love to type for a long time on here but my hand keeps hurting like its aving a muscle spasism or something.And of coarse its my writing hand too.

But right now instead of getting a good pic of the dragon i drew i hav to wait for my cameras battery to charge! and then i will take 10 or more photos of it and find the best one and then i will put it up on the "my pics" link on the sidebar to your right. -> ->



O.k. so now the windows Media Player is working, but my headphones won't, so now i'm just annoyed!
My dog won't leave me alone.
I am eating an orange and she loves oranges.
But um I really came on here to tell u guys to scroll down to see the info on my pic that I drew last night and then I added on to the "my pics" link on the sidebar.
Well , I would like to sit here and talk about nothing all day , but I have piano practice at 2pm today, so I might be getting on right when everybody else does. So um don't forget to tell me what u think of my pic, and I geuss that's it !



Friday, September 26, 2008

Hey guys.

I dont know why but i feel like someones trying to get into my blog like hacking it or whatever..

weird right?? i know......... real ....... stupid.

oh well


its 2:00am exactly right now and im on Jaxs computer cause mine cant find an internet conection so....... i can just listen to music and play the games it has on it and make videos out of my pics!! lol!

so i am going to move the "leopard" pic on here to the "my pics" site on the side bar if your wondering ok?

i geuss thats enough for now but ........ OH!!! um i know for a fact that Jax is GOING to be getting a wireless convertor for the computer so i can go over here more often and acually GET an internet conection. so we can chat more at the same time.

we cant go to my place because we need to fix our computer, because ever since the hurricane Ike winds nocked out our electricity it shuts down after 2-3 hours of being on JUST fangs blog so... and the RPGs we do on there can last up to 6-7 hours!!! i know thats CRAZY right!?! but true.

well my hands hurt from typing now so ....



Sunday, September 21, 2008


hello! I am on at 4:15am. I have been going from one place to the other, chatting, playing Nintendo DS, possibly reading a book, and watching tv.
I am at my aunt and uncle's house right now and can not fall asleep. i am waiting for people to come on, but so far there is no one here yet.
so i will just talk my head off, about nothingness and boring crap for awhile!
YES!!! oh uh, well the furnace just kicked on so I can type faster and harder, so I wont have to sit here for ever!

But of coarse I will have to pretend to be asleep or somthing when my 2nd cousin wakes up. because she will bug me to the ends of the earth, not letting me wake up on my own or even getting in a nap when Im really tired. Because if she wakes me up or she THINKS she woke me up, then I go BACK to sleep. then she wont quit going, WAKE UP!!! MAMAA!! SHE WONT WAKE UP !!! IM AWAKE SO SHE HAS TO TOO!! but shell just get scolded for that and be told to leave me alone but she wont. OH!! and did I say that she is 3 YEARS OLD?!?

yeah Jax isnt to fond of her either. But speaking of Jax, as some of you ..... DANG IT!! ........ sorry the furnace quit so now I have to quite again! But any ways Jax is my cousin, so yeah. Some of you already know this ,but I figured " WAT THE HECK?" and discided to tell you allso there isnt any confusion later on.

Well I should stop typing now so, see some of you later!!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

I drew a rose.

I drew this for I don't know.

Friday, September 12, 2008

One of my pastel paintings.

I just started using pastels in art today, and IT IS F-U-N!! FUN!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008